Hi there, well aftri reached a stable plateau of meeting Gold players and while finding random fun I also found it a bid to unstable and unsuited for training purposes.
So I decided to try out a Race and to become better at it.
I ended up chosing Zerg and well I already suck less then avg. with Protoss, and Fafner is doing his Terran thing so I thought I might as well go with Zerg.
Also I thought it might be fun to share my hopefully progress with everyone else I made I fpvod, unfortunately I did it in Danish but I might go ahead and do the next ones in English all though my English somewhat sucks and I tend to forget words and that kind of good stuff :), but well then the speaking would accompany the game play very well.
Well here are the playlist:
I Started out playing the game, then watching the replay straight after commenting on how much I sucked
Every Game Ends with a GG
According to this article here:
“…every game plays out—hit the play button, set your control groups, carry
out the game, *gg* no matter the outcome, repe...
5 years ago
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