Monday, January 16, 2012

Games to play in 2012!

As every new year starts I always kinda end up thinking about which games I want to play in the new year and 2012 really looks like a great year for us gamers!
I will make a run through on the games I am looking forward to in 2012 (in no particular order).

Final Fantasy xiii-2:
Even though it’s predecesur had its problems this game looks really promising and I am looking forward to stepping into Square Enix amazing universe.

Mass Effect 3:
Both Mass Effect 1 and 2 were absolutely great games and I have pretty high expectations of this one as well!

Diablo III:
Well… does anyone need a reason to want this one It’s Bizzard, It’s Diablo, I love it MUST HAVE! :-)

I Played a bit of DOTA back when I played WC3 but haven’t really played many MOBA games sinse (a tiny bit of LOL) but lol never really had the same impact as Dota had, and I am not convinced dota2 will have that either to be hornest, but I want to give it a shot!

Blizzard Dota:
While we are talking about moba’s Blizzards own version of Dota looks extremely promising from what I have seen from the trailer and heard from the Blizzcon panels

Even with all these other games, the game I am going to play the most in 2012 will most likely still be SC2 and I am looking forward to the expansion.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning:
This game is probably the game I am anticipating the most a deep rpg with really fun action combat that just looks great.

Well if they intend to beat a dead horse I am up for it, I don’t think I'll be playing this as much as i played it when i were young but i will deffinently buy it and give it a GO I am looking forward to the Match making.

This is just a minor list of the games I am most intrigued by thus far but there is a lot of awesome games coming out this year and can’t wait to get my hands on them.

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