Friday, January 27, 2012

Nordci Game Jam 2012

It’s almost time for Nordic Game Jam 2012(NGJ)

Uhh a few days a go I got the chance to work with the ppl behind NGJ in regards to streaming the event after thinking it over for a few seconds i agreed to do it,

To anyone who is not aware NGJ is a part og Global Game Jam, and the concept is pretty meet up, find a group and create a game within 48H, from concept to implementation.

So after I got the part I talked a bit with some of the ppl who are helping me out to set it all up and we agreed that we wanted to stream all 48 Hours so my last few days have been 7,5H Work 10H Streaming setup test etc.

There are a lot of issues with making a “big” setup especially when you need to work with new software, don’t have any available hardware and everything is spread across 4 floors.
Tis been a lot of work trying to figure out work arounds for more or less every little thing while trying to make sure you get a grasp of the software.

We are going live tonight with the minister of culture nad afterwards the Keynote speaker the stream should go live at ~18 CET.

In the mean time you should add GameSyncTV @twitter / facebook / since i am going to be broadcasting everythin via those channels and pherhaps @NGJ as well.
I am looking forward to doing this marathon stream and hope it will be fun watching even though it will absolutely not be perfect.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Games to play in 2012!

As every new year starts I always kinda end up thinking about which games I want to play in the new year and 2012 really looks like a great year for us gamers!
I will make a run through on the games I am looking forward to in 2012 (in no particular order).

Final Fantasy xiii-2:
Even though it’s predecesur had its problems this game looks really promising and I am looking forward to stepping into Square Enix amazing universe.

Mass Effect 3:
Both Mass Effect 1 and 2 were absolutely great games and I have pretty high expectations of this one as well!

Diablo III:
Well… does anyone need a reason to want this one It’s Bizzard, It’s Diablo, I love it MUST HAVE! :-)

I Played a bit of DOTA back when I played WC3 but haven’t really played many MOBA games sinse (a tiny bit of LOL) but lol never really had the same impact as Dota had, and I am not convinced dota2 will have that either to be hornest, but I want to give it a shot!

Blizzard Dota:
While we are talking about moba’s Blizzards own version of Dota looks extremely promising from what I have seen from the trailer and heard from the Blizzcon panels

Even with all these other games, the game I am going to play the most in 2012 will most likely still be SC2 and I am looking forward to the expansion.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning:
This game is probably the game I am anticipating the most a deep rpg with really fun action combat that just looks great.

Well if they intend to beat a dead horse I am up for it, I don’t think I'll be playing this as much as i played it when i were young but i will deffinently buy it and give it a GO I am looking forward to the Match making.

This is just a minor list of the games I am most intrigued by thus far but there is a lot of awesome games coming out this year and can’t wait to get my hands on them.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

3 Things i am aweful at

Without really looking at my games I have figured out a few things I am really aweful at in sc2. Some of these overlap between races but I am going to write about it in the form of the race i am "worst" at it with.

1: Late game Zerg transitions!
Oh how I can macro up with zerg, get a huge econ / defend most pushes but when I get to ~4 bases my tech don’t keep up at all! I get to Broodlords/ultras and high upgrades waaaaaaaaaaay to late and this is probably the biggest reason I am losing my Zerg games.

2: Terran Macro!
People tend to talk about Zerg macro being the hardest, this is absolutely not the case for me my Terran macro is terrible, I can’t keep SCV production up I can’t keep producing units in a steady flow either not producing or queuing like crazy I forget mules and supply depotes I forget to rally workers back after constructing a new strukture and I can never seem to get the correct number of Production buildings.

3: Need Additional Pylons!
Everytime I hear this message I die a little inside why can’t I remember to make freaking pylons and it’s not just late game it can be the 3’rd or 4’th pylon of the game where I am at 26/26 ohh yeah don’t I need a pylon that is just terrible.
Alright now how to actually fix all these basic flaws...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Playing again

Well after a period where i didn’t play as much as i would like i started again (begining with dropping a league or two to ease me back into it without demotivating me completely while also being able to have some fun (the game becomes slightly less fun as the skill level rises since there is alot less stuff you can get away with doing at higher levels.

After ~30 ish fun games in Silver with everything from mothership rushes to the most lame cheese to planetary fortress rushes ive started playing a bit more “normal again” and I am now in top gold but still playing random this off course means I tend to win all my toss games (unless I get completely cheesed I still have a hard time countering some 1 base allins) and then I lose a lot of games as Terran, Zerg is still pretty high winrates but I think those winrates will drop as well as I get closer to my “correct” skill level although I have no idea where my actual skill level is as random I would guess somewhere in the middle of platinum with my terran pulling me down.

But for now I enjoy fooling around with random not playing to seriously just having some fun.