Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What happend since my last update

Well I just wanted to post a brief update about whats been going on since my last update, and I’ll try to do it whitout getting to specefik otherwise it would probally end up being a wall of text.

1: Got into platinum after my placement match as the kickoff of season 2

2: Changed race back to protoss after a really bad losing strea as zerg

3: Got my stream up and running pretty smoothly

3½: Made some introes and other fun stuff for the tournament in #4

4: Hosted and casted a tournament with the guys from a Danish site that have weekly tours

5: Made a twitter account around a million years after everyone else!, you should be able to find me wwith my nickname AiurAdun

6: Updated my blog a little with some more different stuff like recent comment newest tweets, and all that kind of good jazz as Day[9] would have put it.

7: Tried playing a little LoL(Leauge of legends) in short( I like it more then HoN, but still prefere DOTA mostly due to the fackt that I know DOTA and how stats etc work, but I might play a bid more LoL because it was quite enjoyable.

8: And of course played some Starcraft 2 Last I checked I was rank 5 in my league and rank 1 on fafner’s ladder list (


  1. i havent seen the stream live yet?

  2. Ahh ive been to the states for 2 weeks, so havent had time to stream anything, i will most likely stream kingscup tommorow evening, and pherhaps some tonight to make sure it all works.
